One of the recent requests I got from a customer, was how to list all of the existing users In Office 365 which are Enabled for MFA together with their relevant settings.
To address this request, I’ve wrote a PowerShell script that lists the relevant users data and it can be download from here.
The Script export the following properties:
- DisplayName
- UserPrincipalName
- IsLicensed
- MFAState
- RememberDevicesNotIssuedBefore
- StrongAuthenticationUserDetailsPhoneNumber
- StrongAuthenticationUserDetailsEmail
- DefaultStrongAuthenticationMethodType
#================================================================================================== #================================================================================================== # # Author : Guy Bachar # Links : | @GuyBachar # Getting all Users that are MFA Enabled and their Devices # # Ver 1.0: 04/28/2017 Initial Script. # Ver 1.1: 07/05/2017 Adding CSV Features # Ver 1.2: 08/10/2017 Adding more logging and status notifications # #================================================================================================== #================================================================================================== #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Main Script Execution # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Connect to MSOL Write-Host "Connecting MSOL Online" -ForegroundColor Green Connect-MsolService -Credential (Get-Credential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (Get-MsolDomain) { Write-Host "Conneced to O365 MSOL Online" -ForegroundColor Green} else {Write-Host "Can't Connect to O365 Online, exiting." -ForegroundColor Red ;exit} # Get all MFA Enabled users Write-Host "Collecting Enabled MFA Users from MSOnline" -ForegroundColor Green $MFAUsers = Get-Msoluser -all | Where-Object {$_.StrongAuthenticationMethods -like "*"} if ($MFAUsers) { Write-Host "Found $($MFAUsers.Count) Users which are enabled for MFA" -ForegroundColor Green } else {Write-Host "No MFA Users were found, exiting." -ForegroundColor Red; exit} # Setting Array to gather Users Information $Results = @() $UserCounter = 1 # Running on MFA Enabled All Users Write-Host "Processing Invdividual Users, please wait" -ForegroundColor Green foreach ($User in $MFAUsers) { Write-Host "Processing #$UserCounter Out Of #$($MFAUsers.Count): Working on User $($User.UserPrincipalName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan $UserCounter +=1 $StrongAuthenticationRequirements = $User | Select-Object -ExpandProperty StrongAuthenticationRequirements $StrongAuthenticationUserDetails = $User | Select-Object -ExpandProperty StrongAuthenticationUserDetails $StrongAuthenticationMethods = $User | Select-Object -ExpandProperty StrongAuthenticationMethods $Results += New-Object PSObject -property @{ DisplayName = $User.DisplayName -replace "#EXT#","" UserPrincipalName = $user.UserPrincipalName -replace "#EXT#","" IsLicensed = $user.IsLicensed MFAState = $StrongAuthenticationRequirements.State RememberDevicesNotIssuedBefore = $StrongAuthenticationRequirements.RememberDevicesNotIssuedBefore StrongAuthenticationUserDetailsPhoneNumber = $StrongAuthenticationUserDetails.PhoneNumber StrongAuthenticationUserDetailsEmail = $StrongAuthenticationUserDetails.Email DefaultStrongAuthenticationMethodType = ($StrongAuthenticationMethods | Where {$_.IsDefault -eq $True}).MethodType } } # Select Users Details and export to CSV Write-Host "Exoprting Details to CSV..." -ForegroundColor Green $Results | Select-Object ` DisplayName, ` UserPrincipalName, ` IsLicensed, ` MFAState, ` RememberDevicesNotIssuedBefore, ` StrongAuthenticationUserDetailsPhoneNumber, ` StrongAuthenticationUserDetailsEmail, ` DefaultStrongAuthenticationMethodType ` | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation .\MFAEnabledUsers-$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd").csv -Force